Scattering Analysis of Bi-anisotropic Materials Using Fast Dipole Method
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Electromagnetic scattering from inhomogeneous three-dimensional (3D) bi-anisotropic scatterers is formulated in terms of the volume integral equation (VIE) method. Based on the volume equivalence principle, the VIE is represented in terms of a pair of coupled bi-anisotropic polarized volume electric and magnetic flux densities. The VIE is solved using the method of moments (MoM) combined with tetrahedral mesh. Then the fast dipole method (FDM) based on the equivalent dipole method (EDM) is extended to analyze the scattering of bi-anisotropic media by solving the VIE. Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the accuracy of the developed method for the scattering analysis of the bi-anisotropic media.
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61071019); the Joint Funding Project of the Aerospace Science Foundation Office of China (2008ZA52006).
Deng Xiaoqiao, Gu Changqing*,Li Zhuo. Scattering Analysis of Bi-anisotropic Materials Using Fast Dipole Method[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,2014,31(3):274-280