Analysis for Transmission of Composite Structure with Graphene Using Equivalent Circuit Model
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A simple analytical method is presented to analyze the transmission of electromagnetic plane waves through multilayer stacked composite two-dimensional (2D) structures at microwave frequencies. Unlike the traditional structure, high impedance surface with graphene sheet is proposed. The structure includes graphene and thin metal patches and meshes. Simple analytical formulas are introduced for the surface impedance of graphene and for the grid impedance of electrically dense arrays of metal square patches or strips. The result of transmission properties is based on the dynamic tunable model of the high impedance surface, which considers the surface conductivity of graphene layer. The transmission coefficient obtained by using the equivalent circuit method is validated against full-wave numerical simulations. The considered equivalent circuit method can be useful in the design of graphene tunable planar devices.
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Supported in part by the Funding of Jiangsu Innovation Program for Graduate Education (KYLX_0275,KYLX_0276) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.
Xu Bingzheng, Gu Changqing*,Li Zhuo, Niu Zhenyi. Analysis for Transmission of Composite Structure with Graphene Using Equivalent Circuit Model[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,2014,31(3):281-286