An Improved Active Miller Clamp Crosstalk Suppression Method for Enhancement-Mode GaN HEMTs in Phase-Leg Configuration
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When using traditional drive circuits, the enhancement-mode GaN (eGaN) HEMT will be affected by high switching speed characteristics and parasitic parameters leading to worse crosstalk problems. Currently, the existing crosstalk suppression drive circuits often have the disadvantages of increased switching loss, control complexity, and overall electromagnetic interference (EMI). Therefore, this paper combines the driving loop impedance control and the active Miller clamp method to propose an improved active Miller clamp drive circuit. First, the crosstalk mechanism is analyzed, and the crosstalk voltage model is established. Through the crosstalk voltage evaluation platform, the influencing factors are evaluated experimentally. Then, the operating principle of the improved active Miller clamp drive circuit is discussed, and the optimized parameter design method is given. Finally, the effect of the improved active Miller clamp method for suppressing crosstalk is experimentally verified. The crosstalk voltage was suppressed from 3.5 V and -3.5 V to 1 V and -1.3 V, respectively, by the improved circuit.
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This work was supported by the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronic Devices(No.2019KF001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51677089).
QIN Haihong, WANG Wenlu, BU Feifei, PENG Zihe, LIU Ao, BAI Song. An Improved Active Miller Clamp Crosstalk Suppression Method for Enhancement-Mode GaN HEMTs in Phase-Leg Configuration[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,2021,38(5):758-768