Kinematic Optimization of Bionic Shoulder Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
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A bionic shoulder joint with three degree-of-freedom (DOF) driven by pneumatic muscle actuator is proposed and its corresponding kinematic model is established. The bionic shoulder is optimized by particle swam optimization (PSO) with the fitness standards that the requirements of rotation indexes are met and the fluctuation of motion is kept in the lowest resolution in a pneumatic muscle actuator range. Simulation considering rotation indexes only (first simulation) is compared with the one considering both rotation indexes and motion resolution (second simulation) subsequently.Mounting position of the pneumatic muscle actuators in bionic shoulder is optimized after initializing the same condition in simulations. Results show that the fluctuations of parameters are consistent, and the parameters of the first simulation have good convergence than those of the second one. With the increase of stretch rate of the pneumatic muscle actuator, the needed length of fixed link in the center of static platform decreases in optimization.
Liu Kai, Ge Zhishang, Xu Jiaqi, Gu Baotong, Wang Yangwei, Zhao Dongbiao. Kinematic Optimization of Bionic Shoulder Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators Based on Particle Swarm Optimization[J]. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,2016,33(3):301-309