Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Volume 0,Issue 4,2010 Table of Contents

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  • 1  机身整体壁板在轴压载荷下后屈曲计算及结构优化
    孙为民 郭亮 童明波 董登科
    [Abstract](2615) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](211)
    Buildup panels for the commercial aircraft fuselage subjected to the axial com pression load are studied by both experimental and theoretical methods. An integ ral panel is designed with the same overall size and weight as the buildup str ucture, and finite element models (FEMs) of these two panels are established. Ex perimental results of buildup panels agree well with the FEM results with the nonliearity and the large deformation, so FEMs are validated. FEM calculation results of these two panels indicate that the failure mode of the i ntegral panel is different from that of the buildup panel, and the failure loa d increases by 184% up to postbuckling. Furthermore, the integral structure is optimized by using the multiisland genetic algorithm and the sequential quadratic progr amming. Compared with the initial design, the optimal weight is reduced by 87 % and the strength is unchanged.
    2  微型叶轮机械联合试验台设计
    夏晨 黄国平 陈杰
    [Abstract](1894) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](195)
    Microturbine engine has no enough space for measuring impeller chara cteristics, so the design and the construction of a new test facility of micro tu rbomachinery are presented for microcentrifugal compressors and radial turb ine s. The facility is used for the full speed compressor test and the long duration hot turbine test. To rapidly adjust the testing condition, all regulations of t he opera ting state are automatically completed by the control system. The facility is al so used for testing the impeller performance with a series of diameter from 55 m m t o 180 mm as a result of the modular design. A thermal protection system is desig ned to avoid the heat distortion caused by the high turbine inlet temperature ov er 1 100 K and provide a proper experimental environment for the electronic comp onents. A pho toelectric torque transducer with the accuracy of 1% is designed to measure the torque of rigid shaft at a high speed of 125 000 r/min. The designing techniq ues for microturbomachineries are verified by the impeller testing of the f acility.
    3  钢筋混凝土梁抗弯刚度公式修正及研究
    艾军 陈珏 张丽芳 刘芳
    [Abstract](1090) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](157)
    Beam stiffness degrades with its age in service and its service performanc e is weakened. According to the fundamental characteristics of the reinforced co ncre te, the influence of stiffness degradation caused by different kinds of damage i s obtained. Among them, the crack is the most direct and obvious factor. Further more, according to the analysis of bending rigidity formula presented in current stan dard, an influence parameter of crack development on the stiffness degradation, i.e., nonuniformity coefficient of tensile steel strain φ, is extracted. Av erage crack distance and crack depth are taken as crack statistic parameters. Based o n analysis and modeling with ANSYS, the modified bending rigidity formula relate d to crack is obtained.
    4  飞机除冰液对高性能混凝土抗冻性的影响
    麻海燕 曹文涛 白康 周鹏 韩丽娟
    [Abstract](2048) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](233)
    The influence of glycol, the main composition of the most frequently used aircraft dicer, on the freezethaw durability of high performance concrete (HPC ) is investigated. Freezethaw durability of HPC is tested by accelerated freez e thaw test. Four kinds of the solution, i.e., tap water, 35% NaCl solution, glyc ol solutions, and a LBRA type commercial aircraft deicer are employed. Results s how that freezethaw durability of HPC exposed to glycol solutions is closely related to the solution concentrations. The failure of HPC exposed to 35% gl ycol solution is similar to that of those exposed to 35% NaCl solution, i.e., serious surface scaling. While the damage of HPC exposed to 125%—2 5% glycol solutions is postponed. Compared with glycol solution, the commercia l aircraft deicer has much more negative effects on HPC freezethaw durability compared with 35% NaCl solution. In t he presence of com mercial aircraft deicer for HPC subjected to freezethaw cycles, the deteriora tion is mainly due to scaling and spalling.
    5  结合遗传算法和优化Q-Law算法的小推力轨道转移
    程月华 姜斌 孙俊 张娴 侯倩
    [Abstract](2965) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](200)
    A new orbit transfer method is presented by combining the genetic algorit h m (GA) with the refined Qlaw method. Considering the energy consumptio n , the relative thrust efficiency is introduced as a threshold deciding whether t o thrust or coast. GA is used to achieve the global timeoptimal orbit trans f er. The trajectory optimization problem is transformed into the constraint para met er optimization problem, thus the nonlinear twopoint boundary value problem is avoided. The refined Qlaw method integrated with the fuzzy logic control is adopte d for t he end course, the vibration is avoided and the high precision is achieved. The numerical simulation of satellite orbit transfer is implemented. Result s show that the new method can achieve the timeoptimal orbit transfer and t he low energy consumption, thus improving the transfer precision.
    6  复杂背景下快速移动目标的实时跟踪
    张超 王道波 Farooq M
    [Abstract](1573) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](227)
    A realtime tracking system for the fast moving object on the complex backgroun d is proposed. The Markov random filed (MRF) model based background subtraction algorithm is used to detect the changing pixels and track the moving object. The prior probability of the segmentation mask is modeled by using MRF, and the object tracking task is translated into the maximum aposterior (MA P) problem. Experimental results show that the method is efficient at both offli ne and online moving objects on simple and complex background.
    7  片上网络体系结构仿真和性能分析
    葛芬 吴宁
    [Abstract](2482) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](218)
    The network on chip (NoC) is used as a solution for the communication p roblems in a complex system on chip (SoC) design. To further enhance performance s, the NoC architectures, a high level modeling and an evaluat ion method based on OPNET are proposed to analyze their performances on differ ent injectio n rates and traffic patterns. Simulation results for general NoC in terms of the average latency and the throughput are analyzed and used as a guideline to make appropriate choices for a given application. Finally, a MPEG4 decoder is mapped on different NoC architectures. Results prove the effectiveness of the evalua tion method.
    8  聚束式SAR中卷积反投影算法的快速实现
    聂鑫 朱岱寅 朱兆达
    [Abstract](1154) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](158)
    A fast implementation of the convolution backprojection (CBP) algorithm in spotl ight synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is presented based on the fast Fourier transform(FFT). Traditionally, the computation of the ′backprojection′ process is expensive, since resampling in t he process is implemented by using the interpolation operation. By analyzing the relative location relationship among different pixels, the algorithm realizes the ′backprojection′ using a series of FFTs instead of the interpola tion operation. The po int target simulation validates that the new algorithm acce lerates the CBP algorithm, and the computational rate increases about 85%.
    9  纳米二氧化钛吸入对小鼠肺部和血清生化指标的影响
    何聘婷 陶杰 张焱焱 汤育欣 王月勤
    [Abstract](2615) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](211)
    The effect of inhaled nanoTiO2 on lung histology and serum biochemic al indexes is evaluated in healthy and adult Kunming mice (eight in each group) after exposure to TiO2 aerosols (1 500 mg/m3) in a sealed chamber. Ano ther e ight mice are exposed to indoor air to be served as a control group. Lung tissue and blood are collected after euthanizing the animals. The results show that la c tate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity increases in all experimental groups. Alanine aminotransferase(ALT) activity and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels are increase d in the group exposed to TiO2 aerosols for 28 d, and creatinine(Cr) level s are increased in 14 d and 28 d samples (P<005). No obvious changes are observed in other serum indexes. Lungs of mice exposed to 28 d exposure show significant but moderate increase in pulmonary inflammatio n, and many TiO2 particles are found in the interstitium of pulmonary alve oli.
    10  固态染料敏化太阳能电池用聚苯胺-乙炔黑空穴导体的制备
    秦琪 陶杰 杨艳 包祖国
    [Abstract](2231) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](201)
    A claylike conductive material comprising polyaniline (PANI)acetylen e black particles is fabricated as a hole conductor for dye sensitiz ed solar cell (DSSC). The results show that the introduction of acetylene black into the polymer electrolyte improves the photovoltaic behavior of solidstate DSSC, owing to the increase of the hole mobility of PANI electroly t e, the improvement of the wetting quality of the composite electrolyte, and the reinforcement of interface contact between electrode and the electrolyte. Final ly, the overall energy conversion efficiency of DSSC with PANI50%(in weight) a cetylene black electrolyte is 48% of that of liquid DSSC. Therefore, the PANI a cetylene black composition is a credible alternative to hole conductor in ap plication of solid DSSC.
    11  染料敏化太阳能电池用聚偏氟乙烯/丙烯酸酯互穿网络基凝胶聚合物电解质的制备与性能表征
    杨艳 陶杰 金鑫 秦琦
    [Abstract](898) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](142)
    The gel polymer electrolytes(GPEs) based on poly (vinylidence fluoride)(PVDF)/a crylate interpenetrating polymer network(IPN) are prepared. The microphase separation type GPEs are characterized by Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope(SEM), respectively. Moreover, the conductivity and the vo ltagecurrent curves of the electrolytes are measured by electrochemical works t ation. The higher porosity and electrolyte uptake are observed in the membranes prepared at lower crosslinker concentration. The suitable crosslinking a crylate monomer improves the porosity and the electrochemical beha vior of GPE. A dyesensitized solar cell(DSSC) employing PGE based on PVDF/pol y(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) (PEGDMA) IPN yields an opencircuit voltage of 0674 V, shortcircuit current of 8476 mA·cm-2〖KG4〗and the con version efficiency of 2710% under 100 mW·cm-2〖KG4〗illuminatio n.
    12  航班进场调度的改进捕食搜索算法
    姜雨 杨英宝 周航
    [Abstract](2507) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](201)
    To solve aircraft arrival sequencing and scheduling problems, and imp rove the typical predatory search algorithm(PSA), an innovative PSA is developed . The new PSA uses variable constraints of local search and global search to avo id falling into local optimal solutions and the degeneration of solutions. To te st t he performance of new PSA, a case study with ten arriving flights and two runway s is performed. Test results show that the new PSA performs much better than typ ical PSA and genetic algorithm(GA) in the aspects of the rate of gaining optimal solutions and the computational time.

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