Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Volume 32,Issue 6,2015 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Deformation Analysis on ShearBending of RingShaped Piezoelectric Actuator
    Kang Xin Dong Shuai He Xiaoyuan
    2015, 32(6):585-590.
    [Abstract](748) [HTML](0) [PDF 496.34 K](1806)
    Deformation of a simple single piezoelectric actuator is usually quite small. A ringshaped piezoelectric actuator with large piezoelectrically generated displacement was proposed. The thickness of the actuator was 1 mm, and the inner and outer diameters were 4 mm and 40 mm, respectively. The ringshaped actuator was made of BiScO3PbTiO3 (BSPT) ceramic and polarized in radial direction. An electric field was applied to thickness direction and a large shearbending deformation emerged. Then RayleighRitz method and Bessel functions were adopted to analyze the shearbending deformation. Results show that under an electric field of 7.5 kV/cm, the maximum displacement at the inner edge of the actuator reached 5.07 μm, which agreed well with the corresponding experimental results.
    2  Unicast Network Topology Inference Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Clustering
    Xiao Fu Shi Chenhang Huang Kaixiang
    2015, 32(6):591-599.
    [Abstract](610) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.13 M](1870)
    Network topology inference is one of the important applications of network tomography. Traditional network topology inference may impact network normal operation due to its generation of huge data traffic. A unicast network topology inference is proposed to use time to live (TTL) for layering and classify nodes layer by layer based on the similarity of node pairs. Finally,the method infers logical network topology effectively with selfadaptive combination of previous results. Simulation results show that the proposed method holds a high accuracy of topology inference while decreasing network measuring flow, thus improves measurement efficiency.
    3  Fault Detection Based on Incremental Locally Linear Embedding for Satellite TX-I
    Cheng Yuehua Hu Guofei Lu Ningyun Jiang Bin Xing Yan
    2015, 32(6):600-609.
    [Abstract](669) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.36 M](1978)
    A fault detection method based on incremental locally linear embedding (LLE) is presented to improve fault detecting accuracy for satellites with telemetry data. Since conventional LLE algorithm cannot handle incremental learning, an incremental LLE method is proposed to acquire lowdimensional feature embedded in highdimensional space. Then, telemetry data of Satellite TXI are analyzed. Therefore, fault detection are performed by analyzing feature information extracted from the telemetry data with the statistical indexes T2 and squared prediction error(SPE) and SPE. Simulation results verify the fault detection scheme.
    4  Mechanical Behavior of Bistable Bump Surface for Morphing Inlet
    Zhang Ping Zhou Li Cheng Wenjie
    2015, 32(6):610-622.
    [Abstract](504) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.37 M](2002)
    There exists inletengine match conflict between high and low speeds for a nonadjustable bump inlet. A scheme of using a bistable bump surface at the throat region of the inlet is proposed to adjust the throat area. The FEM model of the bistable surface is established with hinged constraint, and the bistability condition and structural transition process are investigated in detail. Moreover, the effects of loading method, loading position and structural parameters on critical driving force, input energy and structural strain are studied. Finally, the influences of an elastic boundary condition on the structural bistability are discussed. The results show that the bistability of the adjustable bump surface requires a certain boundary constraint and geometric parameter combination,and that there are local and overall snapthrough phenomena during transition which are related to the loading position and structural parameters. Therefore, suitable loading position and structural material could reduce input energy and meet the demand of structural strain.
    5  Effect of TipBlade Cutting on the Performance of Large Scale Axial Fan
    Yin Chao Hu Jun Yan Wei Zhang Chenkai
    2015, 32(6):623-630.
    [Abstract](538) [HTML](0) [PDF 4.10 M](2073)
    The effect of tipblade cutting on the performance of a large scale axial fan was investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. Experiments verified the numerical simulations. The original fan was compared with the one with tipcutting in terms of dimensionless characteristic and aerodynamic performance in tip region under the conditions of the maximum efficiency point and nearstall point. The results showed that double leakage flow occurred in tip clearance at maximum efficiency point and spillage of leakage flow from leading edge occurred in tipblade region at nearstall point for the both two fans; and that tipcutting with 6% of blade height could reduce the intensity of tipleakage vortex and increase flow capacity in tip blade region, and hold the stall margin almost the same as the original fan. The maximum efficiency of the fan with tipcutting was improved by 1%, and the ability of total pressure rising was obviously greater than the original fan.
    6  Infrared Heating Technology for Automated Fiber Placement
    Wen Liwei Sun Tianfeng Ni Jinhui Zhu Tengfei
    2015, 32(6):631-638.
    [Abstract](572) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.14 M](1792)
    Prepreg stickiness is the adhesion between prepregs or between a prepreg and a mold in layup process. It is critical for automated fiber placement, because the stickiness should be small for smooth transport, as well as large enough on the laying surface for a good placement performance. To ensure prepreg stickiness always being in the optimum laying window, placement temperature should be changed according to the laying speed. In our work, the relationship between laying speed and emissive power of heating lamp was studied. The heat transfer process between heating lamp and laying surface was analyzed and the control equation of dynamic temperature was derived. Finally, the infrared heating system was built and its effectiveness was verified based on placement experiment.
    7  ThreeDimensional Reconstructed Finite Element Model for C/C Composites by MicroCT
    Zhang Haijun Zhou Chuwei
    2015, 32(6):639-645.
    [Abstract](523) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.82 M](1947)
    The precise microscopic feature of carboncarbon(C/C) composites is essential for an accurate prediction of their mechanical behavior. After fabrication, actual microscopic feature differs from simple ideal spatial model. Microcomputedtomography(CT) scan can well describe internal microstructures of composites. Therefore, a reconstructed model is developed based on mircoCT, by a series of prodcedures including extracting components, generating new binary images and establishing a finite element (FE) model. Compared with the model designed by reconstructed commercial software MIMICS, the presented reconstructed FE model is superior in terms of high mesh quality and controllable mesh quantity. The precision of the model is verified by experiment.
    8  Prediction of Compressive and Shear Moduli of Xcor Sandwich Structures for Aeronautic Engineering
    Zhang Xiangyang Li Yong Li Junfei Fan Lin Tan Yonggang Xiao Jun
    2015, 32(6):646-653.
    [Abstract](555) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.30 M](1900)
    The socalled ″Xcor sandwich structure″ is a highly promising novel material as an alternative to honeycomb used in aircraft. Although much work has been conducted on the performance of the Xcor sandwich structure, the gap is still hardly bridged between experimental results and theoretical analyses. Therefore, a method has been innovated to establish semiempirical formula for the prediction of compressive and shear moduli of Xcor sandwich structure composites, by combining theoretical analyses and experimental data. In addition, a prediction software was first developed based on the proposed method, of which the accuracy was verified through confirmatory experiments. This software can offer a direct reference or guide for engineers in structural designing.
    9  ThreeDimensional Planning of Arrival and Departure Route NetworkBased on Improved AntColony Algorithm
    Wang Chao He Chaonan
    2015, 32(6):654-664.
    [Abstract](591) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.04 M](1824)
    In order to improve safety, economy efficiency and design automation degree of air route in terminal airspace, Threedimensional(3D) planning of routes network is investigated. A waypoint probability search method is proposed to optimize individual flight path. Through updating horizontal pheromones by negative feedback factors, an antcolony algorithm of path searching in 3D terminal airspace is implemented. The principle of optimization sequence of arrival and departure routes is analyzed. Each route is optimized successively, and the overall optimization of the whole route network is finally achieved. A case study shows that it takes about 63 s to optimize 8 arrival and departure routes, and the operation efficiency can be significantly improved with desirable safety and economy.
    10  Modeling and Identification Approach for Tripod Machine Tools
    Shi Yong Liu Wentao
    2015, 32(6):665-673.
    [Abstract](524) [HTML](0) [PDF 966.68 K](1849)
    To improve stiffness and workspace of tripod machine tools, a device called tripod machine tool was proposed with five degrees of freedom. First, the structure and pose description of the tripod machine tool were introduced, and then its backward and forward kinematics models were analyzed. To identify parameters of the tripod machine tool, a parameter identification method based on an errorsensitive analysis was presented.Then geometrical structural identification model was deduced by establishing the pose relative error model at two different points of the tripod machine tool. The method employed a sensitivity matrix by using a difference operator to explain pose changes of the tripod machine tool with respect to its main geometrical structural parameters. Finally, the position error of a tripod machine tool was reduced from 1.74 mm to 0.44 mm. Therefore, the proposed identification method was verified to be effectiv e and feasible. 
    11  Preparation of LargeScale DoubleSide BDD Electrodes and Their Electrochemical Performances
    Wu Haibing Xu Feng Liu Zhaozhi Zhou Chun Lu Wenzhuang Zuo Dunwen
    2015, 32(6):674-680.
    [Abstract](524) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.47 M](1866)
    Boron doped diamond (BDD) performs well in electrochemical oxidatio n for organic pollutants thanks to its wide electrochemical window and superior chemical stability. We presented a method to obtain welladherent largescale BDD/Nb electrode by the modified hot filament chemical vapor deposition system (HFCVD). SiC particles were sand blasted to enhance the adhesion of BDD coating. The BDD coating was then deposited on both sides of Nb which was placed vertically and closely with filament grids on both sides. The BDD/Nb electrodes had no deformation because the thermal deformations of the BDD films on both sides of the Nb substrate conteracted each other during cooling process after deposition. The surface morphology and purity of the BDD/Nb electrode were analyzed by Raman and scanning elestron microscope (SEM) techniques. Scratch test was used to investigate the adhesion of BDD films. The electrochemical performances were measured by cyclic voltammetry test. The BDD electrode at the B/C ratio of 2 000×10-6 held a higher oxygen evolution potential thanks to its high sp3 carbon content.Accelerated life test illustrated that the sandblasting pretreatment obviously enhanced th e adhesion of BDD coating which resulted in a longer service duration than the un-sandblasted one.
    12  Structure Design of Shaped Charge for Requirementsof Concrete Crater Diameter
    Guo Jian He Yong Xiao Qiangqiang Huang Zhengxiang Liu Beibei
    2015, 32(6):681-686.
    [Abstract](589) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.32 M](1848)
    When shaped charge penetrats into concrete, crater diameter must meet certain requirements. By using theories of shaped jet formation and crater diameter growth during jet penetrating concrete, we revealed the thresholds of the velocity and diameter of jet head, and therefore obtained the related structure parameters of top liner, so that shaped charge structure was developed. We built a 60 mm copper liner and a 142 mm Tialloy liner which followed the rules of 0.6 cal and 0.7 cal incrater diameter. respectively. Xray experiment and penetration test results showed that the parameters of jet head were consistent with the results of theoretical analysis. The incrater diameter of 60 mm shaped charge reached 36 mm, and the 142 mm one reached 100 mm. They both met the design requirements.

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