Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Volume 33,Issue 6,2016 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Engine Selection Based on Utility Theory
    Ding Songbin Wang Xiaoli Wang Hongyu
    2016, 33(6):639-646.
    [Abstract](745) [HTML](0) [PDF 277.60 K](1733)
    Since an engine is seen as the ″heart″ of an airplane, the objective and scientific evaluation of it is significant to ensure normal operation of airlines. Aiming at the limitations of current studies on selecting engines, a quantitative comprehensive evaluation system of engine options was established and an optimization model based on the utility theory and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was proposed. Considering the judgement of different customers on the balance between income and risk, the utility of each evaluation index was determined by utilizing the piecewise utility function. The AHP was use d to analyze individual demands of customers. Finally, the optimal scheme was selected through calculating the weighted utility value. According to the actual needs of a domestic airline, the utility of three engine options was calculated. The results showed that the value of risk factor can be set to determine the selection scheme based on the degree of preferences (conservative type, neutral type or adventurous type).
    2  Review on Key Techniques of Dynamics Modeling for Helicopter Simulator
    Gu Hongbin Fu Jun Hu Jinshuo
    2016, 33(6):647-656.
    [Abstract](1018) [HTML](0) [PDF 824.21 K](1929)
    We review the state of the art of dynamic modeling methods for heli copter simulators. Major dynamic models, including ARMCOP, GENHEL, FLYRT, BEMAP,FB412 and UTIAS, are introduced. We address offaxis response problem by focusing on flexible blade model, PittPeters dynamic inflow model, PetersHe finite state inflow model and free wake model which are integrated with the baseline model. With the advances in computing power, efficient freevortex algorithms and parallel processing, free wake model can be used to simulate in realtime and significantly improves the ffectivene ss of solving offaxis response problem.
    3  A Surface Mesh Movement Algorithm for Aerodynamic Optimization of the Nacelle Position on WingBody NacellePylon Configuration
    Gao Yisheng Wu Yizhao Xia Jian Tian Shuling
    2016, 33(6):657-669.
    [Abstract](599) [HTML](0) [PDF 16.12 M](1976)
    A surface mesh movement algorithm, c ombining surface mesh mapping with Delaunay graph mapping, is proposed for surface mesh movement involving complex intersections, like wing/pylon intersections. First, surface mesh mapping is adopted for the movement of intersecting lines along the spanwise direction and the wing surface mesh, and then Delaunay graph mapping is utilized for the deformation of the pylon surface mesh, guaranteeing consistent and smooth surface meshes. Furthermore, the corresponding surface sensitivity procedure is implemented for accurate and efficient calculation of the surface sensitivities. The proposed surface mesh movement algorithm and the surface sensitivity procedure are integrated into a discrete adjointbased optimization framework to optimize the nacelle position on the DLRF6 wingbodynacelle pylon configuration for drag minimization. The results demonstrate that the stro ng shock on the initial pylon surface is nearly eliminated and the optimal nacelle position can be obtained within less than ten iterations. 
    4  Performance Analysis on Retractable Landing Gear and Design of Ground Test System
    Wang Hongxian Nie Hong 
    2016, 33(6):670-677.
    [Abstract](591) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.38 M](1898)
    Landing gears are one of the key components for large or middle unmanned aerial vehicles, and their working performances directly affect flying security and aircraft takingoff and landing performance. Thus, it is meaningful to study the retraction system. Based on CATIA and ADAMS software platforms, a virtual model of landing gear retraction system is built for performance test, and then dynamic simulation is carried out. Afterwards, a test system for landing gear retraction is established, and the test data are compared with the results acquired from dynamics simulation. The main factors which affect the dynamic performance of retractable landing gear are analyzed emphatically. The simulation results show that aerodynamic load has an impact on retraction time, the mass force affects extension process, and the oil hole size of hydraulic actuator has an effect on both retraction time and extension time.
    5  Structural Parameter Analyses on Rotor Airloads with New Type BladeTip Based on CFD/CSD Coupling Method
    Wang Junyi Zhao Qijun Ma Li
    2016, 33(6):678-686.
    [Abstract](566) [HTML](0) [PDF 9.68 M](2080)
    For accurate aeroelastic analysis, the unsteady rotor flowfield is solved by computational fluidynamics (CFD) module based on RANS/Euler equations and movingembedded grid system, while computational structural dynamics (CSD) module is introduced to handle blade flexibility. In CFD module, dual time stepping algorithm is employed in temporal discretization, Jameson twoorder central difference (JST) scheme is adopted in spatial discretization and BL turbulent model is used to illustrate the viscous effect. The CSD module is developed based on Hamilton′s variational principles and moderat e deflection beam theory. Grid deformation is implemented using algebraic method through coordinate transformations to achieve deflections with high quality and efficiency. A CFD/CSD loose coupling strategy is developed to transfer information between rotor flowfield and blade structure. The CFD and the CSD modules are verified seperately. Then the CFD/CSD loose coupling is adopted in airloads prediction of UH60A rotor under high speed forward flight condition. The calculated results agree well with test data. Finally, effects of torsional stiffness properties on airloads of rotors with different tip swept angles (from 10° forward to 30° backward) are investigated. The results are evaluated through pressure distribution and airloads variation, and some meaningful conclusions are drawn the moderated shock wave strength and pressure gradient caused by varied tip swept angle and structural properties. 
    6  Interaction Dynamics Characteristics of Detonation Waves with Coolant Flow in a Hydrogen Fuelled Detonation Chamber
    Li Jianzhong  Yuan Li Wang Jiahua
    2016, 33(6):687-695.
    [Abstract](744) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.73 M](1840)
    To analyze the dynamic interaction between detonation waves and coolant flow in a hydrogen fuelled detonation chamber, a hydrogen fuelled detonation chamber with a cooled liner was designed and a simulation model was established. An explicit highresolution total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme was eveloped to solve the twodimensional Euler equations implemented with an augmented reduced mechanism of the hydrogen/air mixture. A pointimplicit method was used to solve the numerical stiffness of the chemical reaction source term. The interaction between detonative was and coolant flow were presented. The interaction dynamics between detonation waves and coolant flow in a detonation chamber were investigated. The results indicated that there were some negative interaction effects between detonation waves and coolant flow.
    7  Entrance and Exit Defects During Coarse Pitch Orbital Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Plates
    Shan Yicai He Ning Li Liang Zhang Ting
    2016, 33(6):696-705.
    [Abstract](566) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.80 M](1915)
    Formation of entrance and exit defects in coarse pitch orbital drilling (CPOD) of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) plates was investigated. Deep observation on entrance and exit morphology shows tear and burr are typical defects. Meanwhile, tear is more obvious than burr, and more entrance tears emerge than exit tears. As one of the major causes of entrance and exit defects in CPOD, cutting forces were substaintially studied by contr ast experiments. Then, the effect of cutting parameters on entrance and exit tear was qualitatively analyzed through a single factor test. Experiment results indicate that the variation of rotation speed has little influence on entrance and exit tear. Increasing tangential feed per tooth can enlarge entrance tear, but bring little effect on exit tear. By increasing axial feed pitch, the hole entrance and exit show severe tear. When revolution radius grows bigger and bigger, entrance and exit tear firstly decreases, and then increases. Finally, the models of tear and delamination during CPOD of CFRP were established, the formation mechanisms of entrance and exit defects were revealed, and the ontrol strategies were accordingly put forward.
    8  Investigation on the Grindability of CSS42L Stainless Steel
    Yang Changyong Xu Jiuhua Fu Yucan Ding Wenfeng Su Honghua
    2016, 33(6):706-713.
    [Abstract](597) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.21 M](1847)
    Plunge grinding experiments were carried out on CSS42L stainless steel with the white fused alumina wheel. The grinding forces were measured with variations in accumulated material removal volume. Then the morphological features of worn grinding wheel were analyzed by optical microscopy and the grinding temperatures were measured with a thermocouple. For comparison, C45 steel was ground under the same conditions. The results indicated that the grinding forces of CSS42L were at least twice that of C45 steel. When the accumulated removal volume overcame 375 mm3, strong adhesion was found between the abrasives and workpiece CSS42L. Nevertheless, adhesion was hardly found after 800 mm3 workpiece C45 steel was removed. In order to enhance the machining property of CSS42L, a brazed CBN wheel was incorporated into the grinding of CSS42L, and the grinding forces and temperatures were found significantly decreased, whose maximum decreasing amplitude was about 70% and 80%, respectively.
    9  Influence of Helix Angle on Stability of Milling Flexible Parts
    Muhammad Masud Akhtar, Huang Xiang, Chen Wenliang
    2016, 33(6):714-720.
    [Abstract](600) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.17 M](1737)
    Geometry of end mill cutters plays a vital role in the stability of the flexible parts milling. The present study considers helix angle and number of flutes. Multifrequency solution is established to draw stability Lobe diagram(SLD) for different helix angles and number of flutes. SLD for the two cases shows that the greater the value of helix angle, the more stable the milling process will be, and conversely increasing the number of flutes degrades the stability of flexible parts milling. A simple empirical methodology is adopted to employ the inclined plane workpiece geometry offering a gradual increase of the axial depth of cut in the feed direction. Surface roughness is used as a measure of stability. Test results corroborate the model conclusions very well.
    10  Fuzzy Logic Based UAV Suspicious Behavior Detection
    Sun Rui Zhang Yucheng Hu Minghua
    2016, 33(6):721-725.
    [Abstract](529) [HTML](0) [PDF 744.51 K](1759)
    In recent years, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) are widely used in many military and civilian applications. With the big amount of UAVs operation in air space, the potential security and privacy problems are arising. This can lead to consequent harm for critical infrastructure in the event of these UAVs being used for criminal or terrorist purposes. Therefore, it is crucial to promptly identify the suspicious behaviors from the surrounding UAVs for some important regions. In this paper, a novel fuzzy logic based UAV behavior detection system has been presented to detect the different levels of risky behaviors of the incoming UAVs. The heading velocity and region type are two input indicators proposed for the risk indicator output in the designed fuzzy logic based system. The simulation has shown the effective and feasible of the proposed algorithm in terms of recall and precision of the detection. Especially, the suspicious behavior detection algorithm can provide a recall of 0.89 and a precision of 0.95 for the high risk scenario in the simulation.
    11  Construction of Low Delay Maximal Rate SingleSymbol Decodable Distributed STBC with Channel Phase Information
    Chen Junsheng Zhang Xiaofei Shu Feng Wang Jianxin
    2016, 33(6):726-732.
    [Abstract](560) [HTML](0) [PDF 631.42 K](1813)
    Exploiting the sourcetorelay channel phase information at the relays can increase the rate upperbound of distributed orthogonal spacetime block codes (STBC) from 2/K to 1/2, where K is the number of relays. This technique is known as distributed orthogonal spacetime block codes with channel phase information (DOSTBCCPI). However, the decoding delay of existing DOSTBCCPIs is not optimal. Therefore, based on the rate of 1/2 balanced complex orthogonal design (COD), an algorithm is provided to construct a maximal rate DOSTBCCPI with only half the decoding delay of existing DOSTBCCPI. Simulation results show that the proposed method exhibits lower symbol error rate than the existing DOSTBCCPIs.
    12  Capacity Analysis on Distributed Antenna System with Imperfect CSI over Rayleigh Fading Channel
    Wu Binbin Yu Xiangbin Wang Ying Li Yang Qiu Sainan
    2016, 33(6):733-738.
    [Abstract](637) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.09 M](1790)
    Considering that perfect channel state information (CSI) is hard to obtain in practice, the capacity o f downlink distributed antennas system (DAS) with imperfect CSI is analyzed over Rayleigh fading channel. Based on the performance analysis, using the probability density function and numerical calculation, an accurate closedform expression of ergodic capacity of downlink DAS under imperfect CSI is derived. It includes the one under perfect CSI as a special case. This theoretical expression can provide good performance evaluation for downlink DAS for both perfect and imperfect CSI due to its accuracy. Simulation results indicate that the theoretical analysis agrees well with the corresponding simulation, and the capacity can be increased effectively by decreasing the estimation error and /or path loss.
    13  A Directional DifferentialFed UWB Antenna with Stable Radiation Pattern
    Fang Yang Wang Baoping Sun Chao Song Zuxun Wang Shuzhen
    2016, 33(6):747-753.
    [Abstract](630) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.95 M](2174)
    A directional ultrawideband (UWB) antenna with improved radiation patterns is presented. The proposed sheme comprises a differentialfed microstrip antenna and a rectangular cavity. The hexagonshaped slot and four trianglecut corners on the ground plane of the planar antenna are used to improve the impedance matching within the UWB frequency range. A rectangular cavity is used as the reflector for the planar microstrip antenna, so as to achieve directed radiation. The measured results indicate that the designed antenna exhibits a stable broadside directional radiation patterns within the entire operating frequency band. Furthermore, thanks to the differentially driven technique, the crosspolarization is greatly decreased and the polariz ation purity is maintained in a high level.
    14  Numerical Simulation of An Axial Flow Fan with Proper Aft Fins for Floating Wind Turbines Model Test
    Yu Long Huang Chao Zhao Yongsheng He Yanping
    2016, 33(6):754-760.
    [Abstract](677) [HTML](0) [PDF 4.34 M](1925)
    It is difficult to generate homogeneous wind in model test for floating wind turbines, especially when using array of axial fans. We design and compare proper fins behind the blades for an axial fan to produce antitwist flow based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The result is promising and proves that suitable designed fins can be an effective solution.

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