Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Volume 0,Issue 5,2023 Table of Contents

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  • 1  Effect of Broaching Machining Parameters on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Ni-Based Powder Metallurgy Superalloy at 650 ℃
    ZHANG Lu LI Weilong WANG Yuzhuo YU Zhiwei JIANG Rong SONG Yingdong
    2023(5):511-521. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.001
    [Abstract](1474) [HTML](105) [PDF 5.64 M](250)
    Effects of different broaching machining techniques on fatigue damages are studied. Low cycle fatigue tests at high temperature 650 ℃ in air environment are carried out for specimens with four processing techniques. The roughness characterization method, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and nanoindentation test are used to obtain the surface roughness, residual stress and work hardening, respectively. The wire cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM) specimens exhibit the highest fatigue life of average 80 360 cycle with the lowest surface roughness of 0.226 and residual stress, while specimens machined by blunt tool suffer the lowest fatigue life of average 43 978 cycle, decreasing 45% compared to WEDM ones. SEM results show that fatigue cracks are mainly initiated from the coarse non-recrystallized grains and machining defects. The broaching machining methods and parameters have significant influences on the level of fatigue damages and fatigue lives.
    2  Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics Inside Rotating Rib-Roughened Pipe with Axial Throughflow
    WANG Yujie SUN Wenjing GAO Qihong ZHANG Jingzhou
    2023(5):522-533. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.002
    [Abstract](957) [HTML](45) [PDF 3.96 M](227)
    A numerical study was performed on the flow and heat transfer characteristics inside a rotating rib-roughened pipe with an axial throughflow, under a fixed axial throughflow Reynolds number Rex 6 400 and a series of rotational Reynolds number Reω ranging from 0 to 3.77×104. Three rib configurations were taken into consideration, including ring rib, discrete-ring rib and longitudinal rib, wherein the ring-type ribs were distributed along the axial direction and the longitudinal-type ribs were distributed along the circumferential direction. The results show that the flow field inside a rotating pipe is affected by both axial through flow and rotation-induced azimuthal flow. Under small rotational Reynolds numbers, the axial through flow is dominant such that the ring-type rib plays significant heat transfer enhancement role. Whereas under high rotational Reynolds numbers, the rotation-induced azimuthal flow is dominant such that the longitudinal-type rib is superior to the ring-type rib on heat transfer enhancement. In the view of a comprehensive performance factor that considers both heat transfer enhancement and flow loss together, the discrete-ring rib is identified to be the best among the current three rib configurations under small rotational Reynolds numbers. However, under high rotational Reynolds numbers, the ring-type ribs show no advantage over smooth pipe, and even lead to a reduction in comprehensive performance when compared to the smooth pipe. For the high-speed rotating pipe, the longitudinal-type rib is a promising rib configuration as applied to the heat transfer enhancement.
    3  Research on Collision Risk Between Light Unmanned Arial Vehicles and Aircraft Windshield
    ZHANG Zhuguo LU Xiaohua ZHANG Yingchun LI Yulong ZHANG Honghai
    2023(5):534-546. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.003
    [Abstract](1248) [HTML](84) [PDF 2.62 M](190)
    With the increasing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) applications, quite a few major aviation incidents and dangerous symptoms have occurred in the vicinity of the airport and the airspace, and air transportation safety is facing a huge potential threat from unorder flight of UAVs. An important aspect regarding the collision risk between a typical UAV and the windshield of a commercial aircraft is investigated. The damage classification and corresponding impact energy range considering the weakest area on the aircraft windshield are obtained via finite element simulation under the most severe condition. According to the simulation results, the damage severity rank can be classified conservatively. In the absence of intervention from air traffic control, Monte Carlo simulation is performed to obtain the collision probability between a UAV and an aircraft with their independent motions by considering the joint constraints of the minimum horizontal safety separation, the minimum lateral safety separation, and the minimum vertical safety separation. In addition, the collision probability levels are also estimated. Based on various combinations of damage severity classifications and collision probability levels, a more conservative qualitative risk matrix is defined regarding collision between a UAV and an aircraft windshield. In general, the results indicate that the collision risk and damage severity are low when the UAV and the aircraft are flying at the height of less than 120 m and a distance of over 3 600 m on the condition of a typical heading angle and a pitch angle, otherwise these factors become serious. This investigation would provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for the normative design and manufacture of UAVs, the policy formulation by authorities on UAV operation control, as well as the risk assessment of UAVs and manned aircraft operating in the same airspace.
    4  Machine Learning-Based Gaze-Tracking and Its Application in Quadrotor Control on Mobile Device
    HU Jiahui LU Yonghua LIU Jiangwei YAN Changkai LIU Tao
    2023(5):547-554. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.004
    [Abstract](945) [HTML](62) [PDF 2.26 M](115)
    A machine learning-based monocular gaze-tracking technology for mobile devices is proposed. This non-invasive, convenient, and low-cost gaze-tracking method can capture the gaze points of users on the screen of mobile devices in real time. Combined with the quadrotor’s 3D motion control, the user’s gaze information is converted into the quadrotor’s control signal, solving the limitations of previous control methods, which allows the user to manipulate the quadrotor through visual interaction. A complex quadrotor track is set up to test the feasibility of this method. Subjects are asked to intervene their gaze into the control flow to complete the flight tasks. Flight performance is evaluated by comparing with the joystick-based control method. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the smoothness and rationality of the quadrotor motion trajectory, and can introduce diversity, convenience, and intuitiveness to the quadrotor control.
    5  A Stochastic Modeling Method of Non-equal Diameter Pore with Optimal Distribution Function for Meso-structure of Atmospheric Ice
    HUANG Yongjie NI Zhangsong YI Xian YU Xinning XUE Ming
    2023(5):555-565. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.005
    [Abstract](1258) [HTML](55) [PDF 2.82 M](117)
    The macroscopic mechanical properties of atmospheric ice are affected by the mesoscopic pore structure, while traditional approaches to simulating still have certain limitations. To more accurately represent the mesoscopic structure of porous atmospheric ice, a new modeling method based on statistical principles is proposed. Firstly, the statistical information of atmospheric ice pore diameter is obtained by image recognition. Then, the optimal distribution function that matches the real distribution state of pore diameter is identified using a goodness-of-fit test. Next, a novel approach for deriving the geometric size of atmospheric ice models is introduced, and a method for generating random pore position and diameter data is provided. Finally, a pore intersection determination module is added to construct the mesoscopic model of atmospheric ice. The results demonstrate that the quantitative information of the pores in the generated atmospheric ice model is in good agreement with the experimental results, illustrating the accuracy and feasibility of the modeling method. Moreover, the influence of model parameters on porosity accuracy is systematically discussed. When the number of model pores reaches 50, a good balance between model accuracy and cost can be achieved. Thus, this study provides a novel method to characterize the mesoscopic features of atmospheric ice, and lays a foundation for the related simulation.
    6  A Monte Carlo Lagrangian Droplet Solver with Backpropagation Neural Network for Aircraft Icing Simulation
    LIU Yu QU Jingguo YI Xian WANG Qiang
    2023(5):566-577. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.006
    [Abstract](1050) [HTML](83) [PDF 2.71 M](158)
    In-flight icing is threatening aviation safety. The Lagrangian method is widely used in aircraft icing simulation to solve water collection efficiency, the development of which has been impeded by robustness issues and high computational cost. To resolve these disadvantages, two critical algorithms are employed in this study. The Monte Carlo integral method is applied to calculate collection efficiency, which makes the Lagrangian method unconditionally robust for an arbitrary situation. The backpropagation(BP) neural network is also implanted to make a rapid prediction of droplet impingement. Additionally, these two algorithms are deeply coupled in an asynchronous parallelism that allows un-interfered parallel for each procedure respectively. The current study is implemented in NNW-ICE software platform. The asynchronous solver is evaluated with a 3D GLC-305 airfoil and a jet engine nacelle model. The result shows that the BP network contributes a significant acceleration to the Monte Carlo method, saving about 27% running time to achieve equal accurate result. The study is a first attempt for coupling the neural network art and numerical simulation in aircraft icing, providing strong support for the improvement of Lagrangian method and aircraft icing.
    7  Real-Time Optimal Control for Variable-Specific-Impulse Low-Thrust Rendezvous via Deep Neural Networks
    LIU Yuhang YANG Hongwei
    2023(5):578-594. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.007
    [Abstract](1296) [HTML](62) [PDF 2.67 M](192)
    This paper presents a real-time control method based on deep neural networks (DNNs) for the fuel-optimal rendezvous problem. A backward generation optimal examples method for the fuel-optimal rendezvous problem is proposed, which iterates through the dichotomy method based on the existing backward generation idea while satisfying the two integration cutoff conditions of the backward integration. We construct a DNNs structure suitable for the variable-specific-impulse model and divide the output control of networks into the thrust output and the specific impulse output. For the specific impulse output, a method is proposed that learns the optimal specific impulse first and then limits it according to its actual upper and lower limits. We propose the enhanced fault-tolerant deep neural networks (EFT-DNNs) to improve the robustness when approaching rendezvous. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method are verified by simulations of the Earth-Apophis asteroid and Earth-Mars missions.
    8  Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Multivariate Time Series and Pattern Mining in Terminal Area
    ZHU Weiqi CHEN Haiyan LIU Li YUAN Ligang TIAN Wen
    2023(5):595-606. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.008
    [Abstract](1255) [HTML](49) [PDF 1.49 M](230)
    To improve the accuracy of traffic flow prediction under different weather scenarios in the terminal area, a terminal area traffic flow prediction model fusing multivariate time series and pattern mining (MTSPM) is proposed. Firstly, a multivariate time series-based traffic flow prediction model for terminal areas is presented where the traffic demand, weather, and strategy of terminal areas are fused to optimize the traffic flow prediction by a deep learning model CNN-GRUA, here CNN is the convolutional neural network and GRUA denotes the gated recurrent unit (GRU) model with attention mechanism. Secondly, a time series bag-of-pattern (BOP) representation based on trend segmentation symbolization, TSSBOP, is designed for univariate time series prediction model to mine the intrinsic patterns in the traffic flow series through trend-based segmentation, symbolization, and pattern representation. Finally, the final traffic flow prediction values are obtained by weighted fusion based on the prediction accuracy on the validation set of the two models. The comparison experiments on the historical data set of the Guangzhou terminal area show that the proposed time series representation TSSBOP can effectively mine the patterns in the original time series, and the proposed traffic flow prediction model MTSPM can significantly enhance the performance of traffic flow prediction under different weather scenarios in the terminal area.
    9  Method for Aircraft Sheet Metal Part Recognition Based on Cascading Virtual-Real Fusion
    MEN Xiangnan LI Zhiqiang DENG Tao
    2023(5):607-617. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.009
    [Abstract](967) [HTML](39) [PDF 1.51 M](181)
    A cascading virtual-real fusion approach is proposed to recognize various aircraft sheet metal parts (SMPs) with remarkable similarities. The SMPs are identified and numbered by cascading “Rough” “Fine”, and “Preferred” Through the virtual-real fusion approach of virtual workbench modelling and physical workbench actual recognition. The “Rough” SMP set is identified by gathering the main direction image of the sheet metal item on the real workbench and obtaining an eight-dimensional (8D) shape-description vector from the image. This leads to the discovery of a candidate SMP set. Then, template matching is conducted on the candidate SMP set based on the image’s grey information, and “Fine” matching is obtained. A quantitative index of recognition reliability is proposed to subsequently initiate the “Preferred” recognition process, which is accomplished with an augmented reality 3D projection. The effectiveness and superiority of the propsed method are verified by real experiments, and the best accuracy rate of 96.9% is achieved in testing parts. With the help of 3D projection, the accuracy of man-machine combination is 100%.
    10  Study on Microhardness and Texture of AlFeMn Alloy Sheets During Cold Rolling
    PAN Yanfeng SHEN Yifu YUAN Xini CAO Lingyong
    2023(5):618-626. DOI: 10.16356/j.1005-1120.2023.05.010
    [Abstract](1138) [HTML](54) [PDF 2.09 M](147)
    The microhardness and texture of cold rolled AlFeMn alloy sheets were investigated by means of hardness tester, transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and X-ray diffraction(XRD). It was found that the hardness of the rolled AlFeMn alloy sheet increased with the increase of cold rolling reduction, reaching the peak at 82% cold rolling reduction, and then decreasing. Simultaneously, the dislocation density of the rolled sheets decreased obviously, accompanied by the polygonization of sub-structures. It showed that there was a transition from work hardening to work softening during the cold rolling of AlFeMn alloy. At low and medium strains (≤78% cold rolling reduction), the content of copper and S orientation increased slightly with the increase of cold rolling reduction, while the content of Brass orientation remained almost unchanged. When the cold rolling reduction reached 82%, the content of copper, S and Brass increased sharply, and then decreased sharply when the cold rolling reduction exceeded 84%. The content of cube orientation decreased during the work hardening and increased slightly at the end of work softening. The results showed that the occurrence of work softening was accompanied by changes in grain orientation.

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